Updates from the Religious Practices Committee

Tikvat Israel’s Religious Practices Committee has approved two changes to our weekly Shabbat services to better serve the needs of our community.

  1. Shabbat Morning Services will start at 9:45 am. The Preliminary Service will still be at 9:30 am with minor adjustments to ensure it finishs by 9:45. The goal of this change is to make it easier for services to be completed by noon without feeling rushed so we can plan appropriately for kiddushes, Shabbat Learning, and other programs.
  2. We are bringing back, on a trial basis, the custom of reserving the 4th aliya for anyone with a yartzeit in the coming week. They will be called as a group, not called individually by name, to expedite the process. We will evaluate this practice in a few months to ensure it is meeting our needs.

Both of these changes will go into effect July 1. After the changes have been in place for a few weeks, please share your feedback on them so we can continue to improve our religious practices.