
Become a Member of Our Community

If you’re looking for a warm and welcoming synagogue community that values friendship,  Jewish learning and mitzvot, we invite you to join us.

Among the many benefits of membership at Tikvat Israel:

  • A warm and friendly egalitarian congregation
  • Joyous Shabbat services, including special services for children and families and Kabbalat Shabbat with Instruments featuring soulful melodies
  • Inspiring holiday services
  • Complimentary High Holiday tickets
  • A first-rate, award-winning Early Childhood Center (ECC)
  • Diverse opportunities to participate, including family programming, adult education, social action, Women’s Network and weekly yoga classes
  • Two listservs — one for news only and one for “news and shmooze”
  • An invitation to join an already-existing havurah (a small fellowship group with similar interests) or help form your own

And, new members receive a 50% dues reduction for the first year!  

New for ECC Families

Families enrolled in our Early Childhood Center are invited to join our Tikvat Israel community at a special membership rate: $180 for a single parent, $360 for a two-parent family!

This is a full membership and includes all the benefits listed above. Most importantly, it also gives your family a community to celebrate with and help your children develop a lifelong love of Judaism. Click the links below to learn more!

For information on becoming a member, please contact the synagogue office at 301-762-7338 or our Executive Director. We’ll send you a membership packet that includes an application form, an explanation of the dues structure, our latest monthly newsletter and flyers on upcoming activities.

Tikvat Israel Congregation
“Experience the warmth of Judaism with us”