SEA Change


Tikvat Israel is a member congregation of the SEA Change DMV Network.

SEA Change = Study, Engage, Act, Change

Studying to learn more about the history, context & complexities of the inequities and social justice challenges we face,

Engaging to build relationships with congregants, other synagogues and community partners that include those most impacted by social inequities, and

Acting with partners to achieve systemic change.

Social Justice focuses on addressing the root causes of inequities, whereas Social Action focuses on the symptoms. For example, understanding and addressing why people are hungry as well as providing groceries and meals through food banks.

We (SEA Change) are a network of synagogues fostering relationships and organizing internally and externally to create more equitable and inclusive communities.

• We ground our work in Jewish values and community organizing principles.

• We look internally within our congregations at ways we can act to make our own synagogues more equitable and welcoming to all.

• We engage our congregations to work with each other and with experienced advocacy organizations to take actions that promote social, racial, environmental, and economic justice.

Several TI members participated in the second local SEA Change cohort in 2022, along with other local Jewish congregations and organized in partnership with JOIN for Justice.

Tikvat Israel joined SEAChange in May, 2022 and has a core team headed up by Anna Levy, Debbie Amster and Roni Silverstein. For more information contact Anna Levy at or Roni Silverstein at

You can find opportunities to participate through our partners’ web sites:

Jews United for Justice (JUFJ) –

Interfaith Power & Light (IPL) –

Action in Montgomery (AIM) –

What interests you about TI-SEAChange? Fill out our survey.

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