
Tikvat Israel is governed by a board of directors consisting of 13 directors and 7 officers elected by the congregation at an annual meeting each June. The officer positions are:

  • President
  • Three vice presidents
  • Treasurer
  • Financial secretary
  • Recording secretary

All are elected for two-year terms of service.

The board of directors generally meets once a month to oversee synagogue policies and practices. Most board members also serve as active members of standing committees, such as membership, adult education, social action, finance, religious practices and strategic communications.


Sally Kram and Beth Smith

Vice Presidents
Keith Brooks – Administration
Judy Stern – Education
Rachel Laveer – Programming

Barry Lipsy

Financial Secretary
Ira Benzion

Recording Secretary
Melissa Apter

Immediate Past President
Warren Berger


Felicia Black
Carol Chelemer
Mark Diamond
Jay P. Goldman
Janaki Kuruppu
Debbie Levine
Monica Meyer
Jason Schwartz
Roni Silverstein


Susan Apter and Brenda Brooks (Women’s Network)

Fund for the Future Trustees

Larry Gorban, Chair
Fortuna Scheige, Secretary

Michael Amster
Susan Apter
Ellen Eisner
Aaron Fineman
Steve Raucher
Rebecca Salon
Jayme Sokolow