September 11, 2024 -
Welcome! Our religious school, called Netivot, Hebrew for Pathways, aims to develop a community of children and families with the skills, knowledge, and inspiration to be active members of the Jewish community. Our outstanding faculty consists of experienced teachers who have the education and passion for helping Judaism come alive for their students, making our ancient tradition relevant for the lives of our 21st century American Jewish children.
We are excited to expand Netivot for the 2024-25 School Year to include Kindergarten – 2nd grade students will meet at Tikvat Israel on Sunday mornings from 9:30-11:00 AM. Older students will continue to attend religious school at a nearby congregation.
Our program is guided by the following values:
Please fill out the following registration form for your child or children along with a $50/child non-refundable deposit. Families who register by May 3, 2024 will have their deposit applied to tuition. Financial aid is available.
Synagogue membership is not a requirement of enrollment, though we’d love to have your family as part of our congregation. To learn about joining Tikvat Israel, please see our membership page.
What You Need to Know to Register for Netivot 2024-25:
Days and Times
Kindergarten, 1st Grade and 2nd Grade meet on Sundays from 9:30 – 11:00 AM.
Click on the calendar to expand image.
Tuition and Fees
For the 2024-2025 school year, the tuition rate for the combined Kindergarten-Second Grade class is $800 per student, which can be broken into two payments. The first payment is due at the start of the school year and the second payment is due in January 2025. Return your registration form and deposit by May 3, 2024 to have the $50/child non-refundable deposit applied to tuition. Financial assistance is available. Please check the relevant box on the registration form.
Parent Volunteer Opportunities
The work of raising and educating Jewish children cannot be done in the school alone, but is a project of the school, the family and the community. When you come into the building and spend time learning and volunteering with us, you make a powerful statement to your children that Jewish learning is a lifelong process and that we are all on the same team in creating these experiences for them. We have both ongoing and limited engagement volunteer opportunities.
Financial Assistance
Families who have a hardship paying tuition should select the appropriate box when filling out the school registration form. Rabbi Israel will work with your family confidentially to come up with a plan that meets your family’s financial needs. Please know that the synagogue is committed to your child’s Jewish education and identity and will work with you to ensure that finances never prevent a child from attending.
Inclusion Policy
We welcome all children into our school and work with families to try and meet the needs of children with a wide range of learning, social and physical challenges. If your child has a special need, please contact Rabbi Israel and complete the forms as completely as possible.