February 15, 2025 -
Our Shabbat and Holiday Services are filled with holiness, spirit, warmth, and singing.
We are fully egalitarian regarding gender and sexual orientation – we encourage everyone to participate equally. Our members often lead services, read Torah and Haftara, chant Megillah, and give Divrei Torah. We encourage and seek to provide opportunities for all who are interested in leading to learn.
Tikvat Israel offers an array of experiences for celebrating Shabbat that appeal to a broad range of interests and needs. All services utilize Siddur Lev Shalem and are held in-person in our beautiful sanctuary and available via livestream.
Friday Night at Tikvat Israel. Our regular Kabbalat Shabbat service begins at 6:00 pm (6:30 in summer months) and is a spirited and intimate way to welcome in Shabbat. Our talented lay-leaders serve as shlichei tzibbur (service leaders), each with their own style and variety of melodies intended to encourage congregational singing. The rabbi gives a short d’var Torah. (We begin with the Minchah weekday service when the sun sets after 6:00 pm.)
Kabbalat Shabbat with Instruments, led by Cantor Helzner on guitar and accompanied by local instrumentalists, including our own Marsha Bronstein on piano, is held several times a year in place of our regular Friday night service. At 5:30 pm, we have an opportunity to greet one another and share appetizers and we begin the service at 6:00 pm. The mood is elevating and spirited, and have been very popular with members and guests. For the 5785 year (2024-25), Kabbalat Shabbat with Instruments will be held on December 13, 2024; January 31, March 15, and May 10, 2025.
Shabbat morning services start at 9:45 am in our Sanctuary followed by a Kiddush in our Social Hall. We utilize the triennial cycle of Torah readings, and our readers are lay members of the congregation. We encourage participation, and anyone who wants to learn to chant Torah (leyn) or lead part of the service is encouraged to contact the rabbi or the cantor to find a tutor or class.
Saturday Night Ma’ariv and Havdalah, marking the end of Shabbat, is held on Zoom only. The time changes weekly with the sunset – approximately 25 hours after the Shabbat candle-lighting time of the previous evening. Check the calendar for exact timing.
Our community includes members with a wide range of Shabbat observances at home. In order to create a communal Shabbat atmosphere where all can participate together, and in keeping with the teachings of Conservative Judaism, we ask everyone to observe the following practices when you are at Tikvat Israel:
We welcome children to our services. It’s a mitzvah to raise children to be comfortable in shul, and we make our Shabbat experiences as kid-friendly as possible. We do not expect that children will act like adults, they will act their age. Their presence and normal sounds do not disturb us. However, if a child is loud or cries, a brief break with a parent outside the Sanctuary may do wonders. There is an area in the back of the Sanctuary where children are welcome to play quietly with parental supervision.
Our Shabbat Youth Programming provides an opportunity for Jewish youth to learn, participate and lead religious services.
Don’t miss out! Check out the Tikvat Israel Calendar for Shabbat programming dates and times!
This musical and story-based Shabbat experience for our families with children ages 5 and younger is led by Auntie A. Generally held on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, we begin at 11:15 am. All children and families are encouraged to come into the main sanctuary at the end of the service. Children who come up to the bimah get a special treat from the rabbi! Everyone is welcome to join us for Kiddush following the service.
Under the direction of Elliot Cowan, students in grades four and up learn Torah trope with the goal of becoming proficient in reading Torah. The club meets every second and fourth Shabbat morning of the month. Students are encouraged to attend Torah Service (beginning at approximately 10:30am) and then after the dressing of the Torah, the class will will meet in the Social Hall. Contact Elliot for more information. Follow this link to practice your trope skills, with Elliot’s help!