Teen Group

TI Teens group provides an opportunity for Jewish youth to create lasting friendships, build strong connections to the Tikvat Israel community, enjoy social time together and participate in service learning and tikkun olam (“repairing and improving the world activities throughout the year.”) Teens who participate in youth group programming develop leadership skills and strong Jewish identities that they will carry throughout their lives. Teens are invited to attend meetings and activities, even if their families are not affiliated with the synagogue.

Teens in grades 7-11 in the community area are encouraged to reach out to Judy Stern, our Vice President for Education and Youth at , to get more information about our current offerings and to share your ideas. 

For more information, contact the office by phone at (301) 762-7338.

Don’t miss out!  Be sure to check out the Tikvat Israel Calendar for event dates and times!