Trio Sefardi Concert: June 9

Please Join Us in Honoring Our Past-President Warren Berger, at a Concert Featuring Trio Sefardi

Tikvat Israel’s annual concert on Sunday, June 9, 2024, will feature the renowned Trio Sefardi and will
honor our past-president Warren Berger for his many years of service to our congregation.
During his terms as co-president and president of Tikvat Israel, Warren guided us through the
challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic and provided inspired leadership that set the path for our congregation’s
future. He established the Covid Task Forces that navigated us safely through the worst of the pandemic and
the High Holiday Task Force that successfully brought us streaming and live services during that difficult time. 
His foresight also led to the creation of the strategic planning team and its report, which has provided the
synagogue with a blueprint for sustained growth and financial security with a new voluntary dues model.

Trio Sefardi performs unique songs of the Sephardim, the descendants of Jews exiled from Spain in
1492. Their “Sephardic Roots and Branches” repertoire draws on music from the former Yugoslavia, Greece,
Bulgaria, Turkey, and North Africa, with an emphasis on traditional and original songs they learned from their
mentor, the late world-renowned Bosnian-born singer/composer Flory Jagoda. The trio has appeared at East
Coast concert venues, festivals, synagogues, and Jewish centers since 2010. Trio Sefardi features Susan
Gaeta, lead vocals, guitar; Tina Chancey, back-up vocals, viola da gamba, and Howard Bass, lute, guitar.

Be a Sponsor for this Special Double Event

Our annual concerts are a major source of revenue for Tikvat Israel. Their financial success has
depended on the contributions of supporters like you who have stepped up to be sponsors for the programs.

Can you help us this year by being a sponsor?

You can be a sponsor at several levels, and we urge you to be as generous as you can. Just a little
extra from you and others will make this year’s concerts a great success. This year you also have the special
opportunity to be a Concert Patron at a higher level.

Click here for information about ticket and sponsorship opportunities .

Beth Smith Sally Kram
Co-President Co-President