Support our cantor

Dear Congregants-

One of the reasons our Synagogue is such a special place is our wonderful Rabbi and Cantor. We’ll be looking for an appropriate opprtunity to congratulate Rabbi Gorin on his remarkable work in Nigeria, and his new role as Cover Model for the United Synagogue Review at some other time, but right now we’d like to focus on our Cantor. Cantor Helzner is one of the reasons many of us get out of bed early on Saturday mornings, we don’t want to miss a note of the service she leads. But more than that, Rochelle works tirelessly to ensure the quality of our Bar and Bat Mitzvah program, to help with our school, to lead special programs (her Purim puppet show is now famous throughout the region, just try parking in our parking lot on Purim night!)
On April 2, Rochelle will be showing off her marvelous talents in our annual Cantor’s concert, “Sharing Praise,” where her backup band will be the Jubilee Majestic Concert Choir – an incredibly talented gospel group. It would be wonderful to have a marvelous turn out to show Rochelle just how much she means to us, and just how much we appreciate all she does.

If the ticket price seems high, compare it to the Billie Joel tickets that were sold here recently — what has he done for you lately? Seriously, we have dropped the base price from last year, included a member discount for advanced sales, and have put in a cheaper student ticket price for those who want to bring children old enough to appreciate the event. This is a major fund-raiser for our synagogue, so not only does coming show Rochelle your support, but it literally helps us support her and all the special programs she helps to run.

So please, it is important to support this event, and for those who can afford it, please consider a higher sponsorship level. of all the fund raisers we run, this is the one that has the highest value for the price — a chance to both hear our Cantor’s superb voice, and a chance to show her how much we love what she does for us.

Thanks to the many who’ve already brought tickets, and those who will do so between now and the concert

Jim and Jayme.

P.S. And to make this event even more enticing, let us stress that neither of us willl be attempting to tell amusing stories between the songs :-)